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преди 4 години
преди 4 години
преди 4 години
преди 4 години
преди 4 години
преди 4 години
преди 4 години
преди 4 години
  1. version: '3'
  2. services:
  3. plex:
  4. container_name: plex
  5. image: plexinc/pms-docker
  6. restart: unless-stopped
  7. ports:
  8. - 32400:32400/tcp
  9. - 3005:3005/tcp
  10. - 8324:8324/tcp
  11. - 32469:32469/tcp
  12. - 1900:1900/udp
  13. - 32410:32410/udp
  14. - 32412:32412/udp
  15. - 32413:32413/udp
  16. - 32414:32414/udp
  17. # environment: # TODO Not sure what to do here.
  18. # - TZ=<timezone>
  19. # - ADVERTISE_IP=http://<hostIPAddress>:32400/
  20. volumes:
  21. - ${vol.conf.plex}/config:/config
  22. - ${vol.conf.plex}/data:/data
  23. - ${}:/transcode
  24. - ${}/bootybot-extract:/mnt/work
  25. - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
  26. deluge_public:
  27. container_name: delugepublic
  28. restart: unless-stopped
  29. build:
  30. context: ''
  31. cap_add:
  32. - NET_ADMIN
  33. devices:
  34. - /dev/net/tun
  35. ports:
  36. - 9091:9091
  37. environment:
  38. - DELUGE_DOWNLOAD_DIR=/mnt/torrent-seed
  39. - DELUGE_INCOMPLETE_DIR=/mnt/torrent-download
  40. - DELUGE_WATCH_DIR=/mnt/torrent-autoadd
  42. # - OPENVPN_CONFIG=${net.vpn.config}
  43. - OPENVPN_USERNAME=${net.vpn.username}
  44. - OPENVPN_PASSWORD=${net.vpn.password}
  45. volumes:
  46. # TODO Add Deluge config directory
  47. - ${vol.conf.torrent}/public:/config
  48. - ${vol.ingest.torrent}/public:/mnt/torrent-autoadd
  49. - ${vol.log.yarr}/bootybot:/mnt/log/bootybot
  50. - ${}/public:/mnt/torent-download
  51. - ${vol.torrent.seed}/public:/mnt/torrent-seed
  52. - ${}/bootybot-extract:/mnt/work
  53. - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro # suggested in their readme
  54. deluge_private:
  55. container_name: delugeprivate
  56. image: linuxserver/deluge
  57. restart: unless-stopped
  58. volumes:
  59. - ${vol.conf.torrent}/private:/config
  60. - ${vol.log.yarr}/bootybot:/mnt/log/bootybot
  61. - ${}/private:/downloads
  62. - ${vol.torrent.seed}/private:/seeding
  63. - ${}/bootybot-extract:/mnt/work
  64. - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
  65. gangplank:
  66. container_name: gangplank
  67. restart: unless-stopped
  68. build:
  69. context: .
  70. dockerfile: Dockerfile-gangplank
  71. volumes:
  72. - ${}:/mnt/ingest
  73. - ${vol.log.yarr}/gangplank:/mnt/log/gangplank
  74. - ${}/gangplank-extract:/mnt/work
  75. - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
  76. command: /mnt/ingest /mnt/work