#!/bin/sh # More/less taken from https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-baseimage-alpine/blob/3eb7146a55b7bff547905e0d3f71a26036448ae6/root/etc/cont-init.d/10-adduser RUN_AS=root if [ -n "$PUID" ] && [ ! "$(id -u root)" -eq "$PUID" ]; then RUN_AS=abc if [ ! "$(id -u ${RUN_AS})" -eq "$PUID" ]; then usermod -o -u "$PUID" ${RUN_AS} ; fi if [ ! "$(id -g ${RUN_AS})" -eq "$PGID" ]; then groupmod -o -g "$PGID" ${RUN_AS} ; fi echo "Setting owner for deluge paths to ${PUID}:${PGID}" chown -R ${RUN_AS}:${RUN_AS} \ /config \ /data \ ${DELUGE_HOME} \ ${DELUGE_DOWNLOAD_DIR} \ ${DELUGE_INCOMPLETE_DIR} \ ${DELUGE_WATCH_DIR} echo "Setting permission for files (644) and directories (755)" chmod -R go=rX,u=rwX \ /config \ /data \ ${DELUGE_HOME} \ ${DELUGE_DOWNLOAD_DIR} \ ${DELUGE_INCOMPLETE_DIR} \ ${DELUGE_WATCH_DIR} fi echo " ------------------------------------- Deluge will run as ------------------------------------- User name: ${RUN_AS} User uid: $(id -u ${RUN_AS}) User gid: $(id -g ${RUN_AS}) ------------------------------------- " export PUID export PGID export RUN_AS