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Update README.md

himred hace 6 años
Ninguna cuenta vinculada a la dirección de correo electrónico del committer
Se han modificado 1 ficheros con 15 adiciones y 0 borrados
  1. 15

+ 15
- 0
README.md Ver fichero

@@ -149,6 +149,21 @@ You may set the following parameters to customize the user id that runs transmis
|`PUID` | Sets the user id who will run transmission | `PUID=1003`|
|`PGID` | Sets the group id for the transmission user | `PGID=1003` |

If you ever need to run custom code before or after transmission is executed or stopped, you can use the custom scripts feature.
Custom scripts are located in the /scripts directory which is empty by default.
To enable this feature, you'll need to mount the /scripts directory.

Once /scripts is mounted you'll need to write your custom code in the following bash shell scripts:

| Script | Function |
|/scripts/transmission-pre-start.sh | This shell script will be executed before transmission start |
|/scripts/transmission-post-start.sh | This shell script will be executed after transmission start |
|/scripts/transmission-pre-stop.sh | This shell script will be executed before transmission stop |
|/scripts/transmission-post-stop.sh | This shell script will be executed after transmission stop |

Don't forget to include the #!/bin/bash shebang and to make the scripts executable using chmod a+x

### RSS plugin

The Transmission RSS plugin can optionally be run as a separate container. It allow to download torrents based on an RSS URL, see [Plugin page](https://github.com/nning/transmission-rss).
