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Exploitation and Oppression

Objective: Now that we understand the importance of class when discussing socialism, and how economic exploitation functions, this module turns its attention to the ways that exploitation intersects with identity-based. We examine the intersection through the lens of race, looking at one important theory linking racism and capitalism, while acknowledging that others exist in the socialist milieu, and that a discussion of race both expands beyond what can be covered in one module, and is necessarily different than discussions about other marginalized identities, be they based on gender, ability, sexual orientation, religion, or other matters.

Lead Facilitator: Camille and Ben


Agenda: 5 min for people to file in, Recap articles (w/ stack to add things) - 10 min, Breakouts w/ pre-offered questions - 15 min, Report backs (focused on 1-2 qs) - 10 min, Group discussion - 15 min, Eval time w/ further readings added in chat - 5 min

Homework: N/A

Study Materials

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Breakout Questions

Discuss the questions below.

  • What are the differences and similarities between “oppression” and “exploitation,” as these concepts are referenced in these pieces?

  • How are class and identities like race linked, according to these writers?

  • Have you experienced contradictions within a class based on different manifestations of oppression, or differing outlooks on economic inequality within marginalized communities? How might socialists seek to overcome these conflicts and build solidarity?

  • How does a socialist understanding of anti-racism differ from a liberal understanding of non-racism? What might be helpful about employers addressing discrimination based on identity with their employees? What might be problematic?