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Trey Del Bonis 2 years ago

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# Providence DSA Political Education Committee 2021 Foundational Series Syllabus
title: ProvDSA PoliEd Foundational Series Syllabus

# ProvDSA PoliEd Foundational Series Syllabus

<img src="syllabusbanner.jpg" style="max-width:100%"/>
@@ -50,7 +54,7 @@ Study materials to be reviewed / completed prior to class:

* [Marxism and Intersectionality: An Interview with Ashley Bohrer](, George Souvlis & Ashley Bohrer, Salvage (19 min)

* [Fuck Mindfulness Workshops](, Tithi Bhattacharya, Spectre (7 min) **OR** view [some slides from @wokescientist on Insta](
* [Fuck Mindfulness Workshops](, Tithi Bhattacharya, Spectre (7 min) **OR** view [some slides from \@wokescientist on Insta](

* [Geographies of Racial Capitalism with Ruth Wilson Gilmore – An Antipode Foundation film](, Ruth Wilson Gilmore (first 6 minutes)

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title: 'Conflict Among Comrades :: ProvDSA PoliEd'

# Conflict Among Comrades

**Objective:** Prepare members for the inevitability of disagreement and conflict with other members. Establish best practices for working through conflict, including methods for de-escalation, and resources for support from the chapter. As a first module, we also want this session to act as an opportunity to build comradery between attendees who will work together the next several weeks.
@@ -40,11 +44,9 @@ Scenarios! Big group, smaller group, individual, something that should go to Har

* How to Argue With Your Comrades - Jacobin
1. About the Hadas Thier piece... Discussion Question Idea: Something based on this quote, “favoring one (sharp debates) at the expense of the other (respect) creates bitterness that can fester for years, leaving long-term damage on individuals and organizations alike.”

2. What examples can you think of where you’ve blamed an individual (or yourself) for something that was more likely caused by the structures of capitalism?
1. What examples can you think of where you’ve blamed an individual (or yourself) for something that was more likely caused by the structures of capitalism?

3. How do we distinguish respectful debate from “just trying to win a line or points”?
2. How do we distinguish respectful debate from “just trying to win a line or points”?

* Rebel Steps “Talk It Out” Episode

@@ -60,5 +62,5 @@ Scenarios! Big group, smaller group, individual, something that should go to Har

* “Revolutionary spirit, hard work, personal sacrifice, and the willingness to subordinate individual interests to the political tasks at hand are all crucial qualities for a successful radical movement. So too is the commitment to sink roots among the exploited and oppressed and to struggle within the movement over inequalities of class, race, and gender. And--whether or not they are now in fashion--so are organizations capable of functioning on the basis of well-worked out strategies, unity in action, and a measure of collective discipline.” - Max Elbaum, Revolution in the Air

* [“DSA Convention Primer: 2021 Edition” by Andrew Sernatinger](, *New Politics* -- I think this may actually be helpful, as it references slates, caucusing, etc.
* [“DSA Convention Primer: 2021 Edition” by Andrew Sernatinger](, *New Politics*

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title: 'Socialism 101 :: ProvDSA PoliEd'

# Socialism 101

**Objective:** To define the parameters of socialism--what is socialism, and what is not socialism?--and define some commonly-heard and commonly-misused terms new socialists will encounter. To distinguish between neoliberal progressivism, social democracy, “compassionate capitalism” and socialism.

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title: 'Why the Working Class? :: ProvDSA PoliEd'

# Why the Working Class?

**Objective:** Building off of our definitions of socialism, this class seeks to explain the centrality of labor and class in the majority of socialist theories of change. To explain what (who) the working class is, and distinctions made by theorists that go deeper than working vs owner class, or between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie.

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title: 'Exploitation and Oppression :: ProvDSA PoliEd'

# Exploitation and Oppression

**Objective:** Now that we understand the importance of class when discussing socialism, and how economic exploitation functions, this module turns its attention to the ways that exploitation intersects with identity-based. We examine the intersection through the lens of race, looking at one important theory linking racism and capitalism, while acknowledging that others exist in the socialist milieu, and that a discussion of race both expands beyond what can be covered in one module, and is necessarily different than discussions about other marginalized identities, be they based on gender, ability, sexual orientation, religion, or other matters.
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* [Marxism and Intersectionality: An Interview with Ashley Bohrer](, George Souvlis & Ashley Bohrer, *Salvage* - est’d 19 min read

* [Fuck Mindfulness Workshops](, Tithi Bhattacharya, *Spectre* - est’d 7 min read **OR** [@wokescientist's Insta Story](
* [Fuck Mindfulness Workshops](, Tithi Bhattacharya, *Spectre* - est’d 7 min read **OR** [@wokescientist's Insta Story](

* [Geographies of Racial Capitalism with Ruth Wilson Gilmore – An Antipode Foundation film](, Ruth Wilson Gilmore, 16 mins total (up to 05:56 most important for discussion)

@@ -60,7 +64,7 @@ Discuss the questions below.

* [Asad Haider - Mistaken Identity: Race and Class in the Age of Trump]( - YouTube, speech lasts until 20:30.

* [Marxism and White Privilege](, Vanessa Wills, *Spectre* - est’d 27 min read
* [Marxism and White Privilege](, Vanessa Wills, *Spectre* - est’d 27 min read

* Neoliberalism and Oppression

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title: 'Imperialism and Colonialism :: ProvDSA PoliEd'

# Imperialism and Colonialism

**Objective:** We have set ground rules and acknowledged that conflict is inevitable in our struggle. We’ve defined, broadly, what we are struggling for, as well as what we are struggling against, and we’ve highlighted both economic exploitation in a discussion of class, and identity-based oppression through a discussion of race. We’ve largely encouraged attendees to think about these topics in the realm of the personal, and their local community. But what happens when capitalism goes global, as it did over the course of the 20th century? The answer, as Lenin discovered in 1916, was colonialism and imperialism.
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* Report-back and group discussion

## Study Materials

* Excerpt from [*The Wretched of the Earth*]( by Frantz Fanon ​(​pp 1-36, 44-52​)​

* ​​Excerpt from [*As We Have Always Done*]( by Leanne Betasamosake Simpson ​(pp 71-83​)​

## Alternate Materials

* ["The New Imperialist Structure"]( by Samir A​min​​​​, ​*Monthly Review​*

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title: 'Praxis :: ProvDSA PoliEd'

# Praxis

**Objective:** Now that we’ve discussed some major tenets of socialism and established a theoretical basis for discussing democracy, equity, and the struggle against exploitation and oppression here and abroad, what can socialists do to work towards socialism? How do socialists view the work they are doing, and why do they do it? We’ll talk to socialists engaged in mutual aid, electoral work, and base building (labor and tenant organizing) to find out.

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