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  1. # Exploitation and Oppression
  2. **Objective:** Now that we understand the importance of class when discussing socialism, and how economic exploitation functions, this module turns its attention to the ways that exploitation intersects with identity-based. We examine the intersection through the lens of race, looking at one important theory linking racism and capitalism, while acknowledging that others exist in the socialist milieu, and that a discussion of race both expands beyond what can be covered in one module, and is necessarily different than discussions about other marginalized identities, be they based on gender, ability, sexual orientation, religion, or other matters.
  3. **Please complete / read / listen to the following before this class:**
  4. * [What's New About Woke Racial Capitalism (and What Isn't): "Wokewashing" and the Limits of Representation](, Enzo Rossi & Olúfémi O. Táíwò, *Spectre* - est’d 17 min read
  5. * [Marxism and Intersectionality: An Interview with Ashley Bohrer](, George Souvlis & Ashley Bohrer, *Salvage* - est’d 19 min read
  6. * [Fuck Mindfulness Workshops](, Tithi Bhattacharya, *Spectre* - est’d 7 min read **OR** [@wokescientist's Insta Story](
  7. * [Geographies of Racial Capitalism with Ruth Wilson Gilmore – An Antipode Foundation film](, Ruth Wilson Gilmore, 16 mins total (up to 05:56 most important for discussion)
  8. * [What is Racial Capitalism and Why Does It Matter?]( Robin D.G. Kelley, 10:19-23:00 (~13 min)
  9. **Agenda:**
  10. * Recap articles with group discussion
  11. * Breakouts
  12. * Report-backs and group discussion
  13. ## Breakout Questions
  14. Discuss the questions below.
  15. * What are the differences and similarities between “oppression” and “exploitation,” as these concepts are referenced in these pieces?
  16. * How are class and identities like race linked, according to these writers?
  17. * Have you experienced contradictions within a class based on different manifestations of oppression, or differing outlooks on economic inequality within marginalized communities? How might socialists seek to overcome these conflicts and build solidarity?
  18. * How does a socialist understanding of anti-racism differ from a liberal understanding of non-racism? What might be helpful about employers addressing discrimination based on identity with their employees? What might be problematic?
  19. ## Further Resources
  20. * On Racial Capitalism
  21. * [What Did Cedric Robinson Mean by Racial Capitalism?]( by Robin D.G. Kelley - estimated 6 min read
  22. * [Identity Politics & Class Struggle]( by Robin D. G. Kelley - est’d 36 min read
  23. * [Toward a Socialist Theory of Racism]( by Cornel West, YDSA - est’d 25 min read
  24. * [Millenials Are Killing Capitalism: Cedric Robinson, the Black Radical Tradition and Racial Regimes with Joshua Myers]( - Podcast episode, 1hr 11 mins
  25. * [Racial Capitalism and Crisis]( (Socialism 2020) - YouTube, Robin D.G. Kelley, 1:01:17-1:05:46 (4 min 30 sec)
  26. * [Unapologetic: A Black, Queer, and Feminist Mandate for Radical Movements]( by Charlene Carruthers
  27. * Intersectionality and Identity Politics
  28. * [Identity Politics & Class Struggle]( by Robin D. G. Kelley - est’d 36 min read
  29. * [Marxism and Intersectionality: An Interview with Ashley Bohrer](, George Souvlis & Ashley Bohrer - est’d 19 min read
  30. * [A Marxist Case for Intersectionality](, Sharon Smith - est’d 17 min read
  31. * [Asad Haider - Mistaken Identity: Race and Class in the Age of Trump]( - YouTube, speech lasts until 20:30.
  32. * [Marxism and White Privilege](, Vanessa Wills, *Spectre* - est’d 27 min read
  33. * Neoliberalism and Oppression
  34. * [Capitalism's Crisis of Care](, Sarah Leonard and Nancy Fraser - est’d 15 min read
  35. * Part 2 of [Developing Militants: the Left’s Minstrel Show and How College Educated Revolutionaries of all Colors Keep the Working Class Shucking and Jiving](, FNT Member Will - est’d 36 min read
  36. * [Why Diversity Training Isn't Enough](, J.C. Pan - est’d 13 min read
  37. * Disability Justice
  38. * Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha (Book, 6-7 hrs est’d)
  39. * [Crippled: Austerity and the Demonization of Disabled People]( by Frances Ryan (Book)
  40. * The LGBTQ+ Community and Socialism
  41. * Our Work Is Everywhere: An Illustrated Oral History of Queer and Trans Resistance, by [Syan Rose](
  42. * [Transgender Marxism](, Edited by Jules Joanne Gleeson and Elle O'Rourke
  43. * Anti-Fatness and Capitalism
  44. * [Fat People Must Become a Priority to the Left]( by Da’Shaun Harrison
  45. * [On Health, Anti-Fatness and Capitalism]( by Red Fightback