Crypto made Simple with Bittrex login To My Account
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  1. # ---> Actionscript
  2. # Build and Release Folders
  3. bin-debug/
  4. bin-release/
  5. [Oo]bj/
  6. [Bb]in/
  7. # Other files and folders
  8. .settings/
  9. # Executables
  10. *.swf
  11. *.air
  12. *.ipa
  13. *.apk
  14. # Project files, i.e. `.project`, `.actionScriptProperties` and `.flexProperties`
  15. # should NOT be excluded as they contain compiler settings and other important
  16. # information for Eclipse / Flash Builder.
  17. # ---> Ada
  18. # Object file
  19. *.o
  20. # Ada Library Information
  21. *.ali
  22. # ---> Android
  23. # Built application files
  24. *.apk
  25. *.ap_
  26. *.aab
  27. # Files for the ART/Dalvik VM
  28. *.dex
  29. # Java class files
  30. *.class
  31. # Generated files
  32. bin/
  33. gen/
  34. out/
  35. # Gradle files
  36. .gradle/
  37. build/
  38. # Local configuration file (sdk path, etc)
  40. # Proguard folder generated by Eclipse
  41. proguard/
  42. # Log Files
  43. *.log
  44. # Android Studio Navigation editor temp files
  45. .navigation/
  46. # Android Studio captures folder
  47. captures/
  48. # IntelliJ
  49. *.iml
  50. .idea/workspace.xml
  51. .idea/tasks.xml
  52. .idea/gradle.xml
  53. .idea/assetWizardSettings.xml
  54. .idea/dictionaries
  55. .idea/libraries
  56. .idea/caches
  57. # Keystore files
  58. # Uncomment the following lines if you do not want to check your keystore files in.
  59. #*.jks
  60. #*.keystore
  61. # External native build folder generated in Android Studio 2.2 and later
  62. .externalNativeBuild
  63. # Google Services (e.g. APIs or Firebase)
  64. google-services.json
  65. # Freeline
  67. freeline/
  68. freeline_project_description.json
  69. # fastlane
  70. fastlane/report.xml
  71. fastlane/Preview.html
  72. fastlane/screenshots
  73. fastlane/test_output
  74. fastlane/